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Carbon Monoxide Poisoning and the Role of Hyperbaric Medicine


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RN, LPN, CHT - Category A, CRT, RRT, RCP, CHRN - Category A


The goals of this 1-hour course are to educate the audience as to the pathophysiological impact of carbon monoxide and cyanide poisoning on the body's systems and treatment options including the pharmacological benefit of hyperbaric medicine as a primary treatment modality.

Credit Hours:  1.0-hour

License Types: RN, LPN, CNS, ARNP, CRT, RRT, RCP, CHT - Category A, CHRN - Category A


  • Video lecture taught by Dr. Helen gelly
  • A slide review of the lecture content.
  • Article on Air Quality in the Hyperbaric Environment by Eric Schinazi, CHT
  • Mandatory course evaluation
  • Quiz

* Click on the course title above to view full course details*


The goals of this 1-hour course are to educate the audience as to the pathophysiological impact of carbon monoxide and cyanide poisoning on the body's systems and treatment options including the pharmacological benefit of hyperbaric medicine as a primary treatment modality.


  • Video lecture by Dr. Helen Gelly
  • A slide review of the lecture content
  • Article on Air Quality in the Hyperbaric Environment by Eric Schinazi, CHT
  • Mandatory course evaluation
  • Quiz

Course Outline 

Title: Carbon Monoxide Poisoning and the Role of Hyperbaric Medicine

Goals: The goals of this intense two-hour course are to educate the audience as to the pathophysiological impact of carbon monoxide and cyanide poisoning on the body systems and treatment options including the pharmacological benefit of hyperbaric medicine as a primary treatment modality.

Video Lecture:    30 minutes

  • Carbon monoxide poisoning, the physiology, sources, risks, when to utilize HBO
  • Acute carbon monoxide poisoning, treatment tables
  • The physiology of cyanide poisoning, signs and symptoms, treatment, benefits of HBOT

Text-based slides + Reading Material + Quiz: 30 minutes


This course is taught by Helen Gelly, MD, FACEP, FCCWS, ABPM/UHM. Dr. Helen GellyDr. Gelly is the Medical Director for Wound Care Education Partners, Emeritus Medical Director for Hyperbaric Physicians of Georgia, and Chief Executive Officer of HyperbarXs. 

Dr. Gelly has been involved in hyperbaric medicine and wound care since 1991. Past positions have included Medical Directorships at academic and community hyperbaric medicine and wound care programs. She started a non-hospital affiliated hyperbaric medicine center which was one of the first UHMS accreditated centers. She has been actively involved in billing and reimbursement issues for both facilities and physicians. In addition to lecturing nationally on hyperbaric medicine and wound healing for many years, she was the president of the Gulf Coast Chapter of the UHMS from 2005-2007.

The Board (NBDHMT) now requires the following statement to accompany all subsequent references to NBDHMT approved CEU, one that serves as a reminder of CHT core competency:

“CHT re-certification requires a minimum of nine of the minimum 12 Category A credits relate directly to any combination of hyperbaric operations, related technical aspects and chamber safety”.

Note: For full details of CHT re-certification requirements please consult the NBDHMT CHT Resource Manual