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Fundamental Theories and Primary Practices in Hyperbaric Medicine: Online Learning

Fundamental Theories and Primary Practices in Hyperbaric Medicine: Online Learning

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Online Course Modules 28.75 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™
DPM (FL), RN, LPN, APRN, CNA, CHT - Category A, CRT, RRT, RCP, CHRN - Category A


License Types Eligible for CME/CEU: DPM (FL only), RN, LPN, CNS, ARNP, CNA, CRT, RRT, RCP, CHT, CHRN

Physician Assistant (PA): Non-physician health professionals and other participants may not be awarded AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™. PA’s will receive a certificate that states the educational activity was certified for AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ and the hours earned; the certificate can be submitted to your licensing board.

Credit Hours: 28.75 hours of online learning for DPM (FL only),  RN, LPN, CNS, ARNP, CNA, CRT, RRT, RCP.

Credit Hours: 27.5 Category A Credits for CHT/CHRN, and 5.0 Category B Credits. 

 pdfCLICK HERE for the breakdown of Category A and B credits.

From the NBDHMT: “CHT re-certification requires a minimum of nine (9) of the minimum 12 Category A credits relate directly to any combination of hyperbaric operations, related technical aspects and chamber safety”.


Practitioners will be able to describe guidelines for diagnosing and managing patients in the hyperbaric environment, important pre-treatment concerns prior to initiating hyperbaric oxygen treatment; understand how to manage the critically ill patient in the hyperbaric environment; know when to utilize advanced modalities in patient care, and display understanding of currently available literature/reports on cancer regrowth or recurrence after a course of HBO2; understand of the basic principles of wound care and hyperbaric medicine.


  • History of Hyperbaric Medicine
  • Wound Management
  • Dive Tables and the Physics of Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine
  • UHMS Approved Indications and Mechanisms of HBO
  • Complications/contraindications and risks associated with HBO
  • Understanding and Interpreting TcPO2 results
  • Diabetes prevalence and implications in wound healing in the hyperbaric environment
  • Intro to major dressings and compatibility with HBO
  • Air decompression procedures
  • HBO patient management, documentation, and quality improvement
  • Hyperbaric systems, safety standards, fire science and safety, codes and standards
  • Billing and Coding of Hyperbaric Medicine
  • The economics of HBO – the well management service line
  • Ethics in Hyperbaric Medicine
  • Hyperbaric Safety and Emergency Procedures Patient Management

* Click on the course title above to view full course details*


Eligible License Types: DPM (FL only), RN, LPN, CNS, ARNP, CNA, CRT, RRT, RCP, CHT, CHRN

Credit Hours: 28.75 hours of online learning for DPM (FL only),  RN, LPN, CNS, ARNP, CNA, CRT, RRT, RCP.

Credit Hours: 27.5 Category A Credits for CHT/CHRN, and 5.0 Category B Credits. 

 pdfCLICK HERE for the breakdown of Category A and B credits.

From the NBDHMT: “CHT re-certification requires a minimum of nine (9) of the minimum 12 Category A credits relate directly to any combination of hyperbaric operations, related technical aspects and chamber safety”.


The participant will be able to describe guidelines for diagnosing and managing patients in the hyperbaric environment, important pre-treatment concerns prior to initiating hyperbaric oxygen treatment; understand how to manage the critically ill patient in the hyperbaric environment; know when to utilize advanced modalities in patient care, and display understanding of currently available literature/reports on cancer regrowth or recurrence after a course of HBO2; understand of the basic principles of wound care and hyperbaric medicine.

Participants should be able to describe the philosophies of the physics, physiology, pathophysiology and the medical aspects of compressing patients and observers within the hyperbaric environment ensuring safe treatment protocol. The learners will be able to recognize diving accidents and gain knowledge, performance, and competence to safely and efficiently evaluate and medically treat divers, which in turn improves overall patient outcomes and decreases the professional practice gaps identified for this activity.

Participants will also be able to demonstrate an understanding of the types of hyperbaric systems available to them, how to operate the systems in an emergent situation, understand expectations and standards relating to the physician participating as a team member and medical leader in the hyperbaric environment; in a team atmosphere the physician will demonstrate the startup, operation and shut down of the hyperbaric system.


  • History of Hyperbaric Medicine
  • Wound Management
  • Dive Tables and the Physics of Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine
  • UHMS Approved Indications and Mechanisms of HBO
  • Complications/contraindications and risks associated with HBO
  • Understanding and Interpreting TcPO2 results
  • Diabetes prevalence and implications in wound healing in the hyperbaric environment
  • Intro to major dressings and compatibility with HBO
  • Air decompression procedures
  • HBO patient management, documentation, and quality improvement
  • Hyperbaric systems, safety standards, fire science and safety, codes and standards
  • Billing and Coding of Hyperbaric Medicine
  • The economics of HBO – the well management service line
  • Ethics in Hyperbaric Medicine
  • Hyperbaric Safety and Emergency Procedures Patient Management

 pdfCLICK HERE for the breakdown of Category A and B credits.



  • Michael White, MD, UHM, CWS, MMM


Credit Approval Statements 

Full Disclosure Statement
All faculty members and planners participating in continuing medical education activities sponsored by Wound Care Education Partners are expected to disclose to the participants any relevant financial relationships with commercial interests. Full disclosure of faculty and planner relevant financial relationships will be made at the activity.

Podiatric Physicians (DPM Credits): The Florida Board of Podiatric Medicine approves this course for 28.75 credits.

CEU Hours for License Types: CHT, CHRN

This activity has been reviewed and approved by the National Board of Diving and Hyperbaric Medical Technology for 27.5 Category A CEU Hours, and 5 Category B CEU Hours. pdfCLICK HERE for the breakdown of Category A and B credits. 

Nursing Credits for License Types: RN, ARNP, LPN, CNS, CNA, RCP, CRT, RRT

  • The Florida Board of Nursing has approved this course for 28.75 CNE hours.

Wound Care Education Partners is a Florida based company and a licensed CE Provider through the Florida State Board of Nursing and the CE is reciprocal for nurses in the United States. Florida nursing credits are reciprocal and approved for nurses within all states. Receiving credit for Florida providers is simple, attend the course and our staff will upload your credits directly to the Florida State database. For out of state credit, we provide all the necessary paperwork for you to file with the respective nursing board.

Disclaimer required by NBDHMT
Because some of the materials in this CEU program refer to it as a "course" instead of a program, and one of the faculty in the video lectures calls this a "course" instead of a program, the NBDHMT asked us to list the following disclaimer to clarify that this is not a "training course", but rather that it is a CEU program for continuing education purposes. 
"The NBDHMT has individually approved each topic listed below as either Category A or Category B credits. The NBDHMT does not recognize the sum of this material to represent an "Approved Hyperbaric Training Course", in the context of CHT/CHRN/CHT-V certification eligibility, for those who choose to view and earn credit every topic listed."

The Board now requires the following statement to accompany all subsequent references to NBDHMT approved CEU, one that serves as a reminder of CHT core competency:

“CHT re-certification requires a minimum of nine of the minimum 12 Category A credits relate directly to any combination of hyperbaric operations, related technical aspects and chamber safety”.