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Textbook of Chronic Wound Care: Chapter 1 Anatomy of the Skin

Textbook of Chronic Wound Care: Chapter 1 Anatomy of the Skin
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RN, LPN, APRN, CNA, CHT - Category B, CRT, RRT, RCP, CHRN - Category B

Credit Hours: 1.5

License Types: RN, APRN, LN, CNA, CRT, RRT, RCP, CHT - Category B, CHRN - Category B

This 1.5-hour online course is based on Chapter 1 of the Textbook of Chronic Wound Care.


The key concepts covered in this course are as follows:

1. Skin is arranged over subcutaneous fatty tissue in six distinct layers.

2. Approximately 20 different cell types are found in skin, each with unique roles.

3. The functions of skin include waterproofing, insulation, temperature regulation, barrier against toxins and pathogens, protection against solar radiation, and sensation of the environment.

4. Skin is a dynamic organ, with respect to structural changes throughout life and the movement and interactions of cells within the skin at any point in time.

The textbook is not required to participate in this course, materials that you will need are provided. However, the Textbook of Chronic Wound Care can be puchased from Best Publishing Company and will be a compliment to this course. 

* Click on the course title above to view full course details*

Welcome to the Online Course Based on the Textbook of Chronic Wound Care: Chapter 1 Anatomy of the Skin

KEY CONCEPTS (expanded)

The key concepts that are covered in this course are as follows: 

  1. Skin is arranged over subcutaneous fatty tissue in six distinct layers
  • Reticular (deep) dermis
  • Papillary dermis
  • Epidermal basal layer (stratum basale)
  • Epidermal mitotic layer (stratum spinosum)
  • Epidermal differentiation layer (stratum granulosum)
  • Epidermal terminal differentiation layer (stratum corneum)

2. Approximately 20 different cell types are found in skin, each with unique roles.

3. The functions of skin include waterproofing, insulation, temperature regulation, barrier against toxins and pathogens, protection against solar radiation, and sensation of the environment.

4. Skin is a dynamic organ, with respect to structural changes throughout life and the movement and interactions of cells within the skin at any point in time.



I  Epidermis 

II  Dermis 

III  Dermal-epidermal junction 

IV  Hypodermis and dermal attachment 1

V  Vascularization

VI  Innervation

A  Afferent (sensory) nerves

B  Efferent (motor) nerves

VII  Cells of the immune system

VIII  Skin proteins

IX  Aging

X  Cellular therapies

Summary Review questions



WCHMedia Group, Inc. d/b/a Wound Care Education Partners is a professional medical education company composed of specialized educators who are licensed and/or certified in their area of expertise. Wound Care Education Partners is the leading provider of education in the disciplines of wound care, hyperbaric medicine and diving medicine.

Since 2008, Wound Care Education Partners has been providing the highest quality educational programs in the marketplace, including live-educational activities and online programs. Our specialized group of educators is composed of practitioners and researchers who are focused on providing the most up-to-date, scientifically relevant and meaningful healthcare education programs to medical facilities and clinical staff, home healthcare agencies and individuals.

Date of the activity’s original release – 22 February, 2024

License types eligible for credits: RN, APRN, LN, CNA, CRT, RRT, RCP. Provided through the Florida State Board of Nursing and the CE is reciprocal for nurses in the United States. Florida nursing credits are reciprocal and approved for nurses within all states. Receiving credit for Florida providers is simple, attend the course and our staff will upload your credits directly to the Florida State database. For out of state credit, we provide all the necessary paperwork for you to file with the respective nursing board.


The information provided at this enduring material activity is for continuing education purposes only. The lecture content, statements or opinions expressed however, do not necessarily represent those of Wound Care Education Partners (WCEP), its affiliates or its employees.

No commercial support was received for this activity.

Hardware/Software Requirements

  • Hardware required for a learner to participate in this journal-based enduring material activity includes:
  • Computer with internet connection and a modern, updated browser
  • Note: If using IE 6, IE 7, or IE 8 we cannot guarantee that the courses will work.
  • Keyboard to take the quizzes

This textbook-based Internet Enduring Material activity is produced for online use.

Provider Contact Information

If at any time during participation in this online enduring material event, a learner can contact WCEP, by clicking on "Contact Us" tab located on the bottom right hand side of the menu bar found at the bottom of the screen. Also, the contact phone number and email address (hotlink) is always displayed on the bottom center of the screen.

Wound Care Education Partners (WCEP)
631 U.S. Highway 1, Suite 307
North Palm Beach, FL 33408
Phone: +1-561-776-6066
Fax: +1-561-776-7476

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.