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Textbook of Chronic Wound Care: Chapter 4 Nutritional Assessment and Management in Wound Care

Textbook of Chronic Wound Care: Chapter 4 Nutritional Assessment and Management in Wound Care
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RN, LPN, CNS, ARNP, CHT - Category B, CRT, RRT, RCP, CHRN - Category B

 Credit Hours: 1.5

License Types: RN, APRN, LN, CNA, CRT, RRT, RCP, CHT - Category B, CHRN - Category B

This 1.5-hour online course is based on Chapter 4 of the Textbook of Chronic Wound Care.


  1. Characteristics for identifying malnutrition (undernutrition) include insufficient energy intake, interpretation of weight loss, loss of subcutaneous fat, loss of muscle mass, localized or generalized fluid accumulation, and diminished functional status as measured by hand grip strength.
  2. A comprehensive nutrition assessment always includes an evaluation of current diet and food, fluid, and supplement consumption to determine if an individual’s intake meets his or her estimated needs to prevent skin breakdown and/or support wound healing.
  3. Evidenced-based guidelines indicate that protein and calorie needs are increased in those at risk for, or those with, a pressure ulcer.
  4. Nutrition recommendations for individuals at risk for, or those with, pressure ulcers, must be individualized based on a number of factors including comorbid- ities, food preferences, and socioeconomic status.

The textbook is not required to participate in this course, materials that you will need are provided. However, the Textbook of Chronic Wound Care can be puchased from Best Publishing Company and will be a compliment to this course.

* Click on the course title above to view full course details*

 Credit Hours: 1.5

License Types: RN, APRN, LN, CNA, CRT, RRT, RCP, CHT - Category B, CHRN - Category B

This 1.5-hour online course is based on Chapter 4 of the Textbook of Chronic Wound Care. The textbook is not required to participate in this course, materials that you will need are provided, however, it would be a compliment to this course. 


I. Case study
II. Pathway
II. Overview of nutrition and wound healing
IV. Nutrients needed to support wound healing

  • Energy
  • Protein and amino acids
  • Fat and fat-soluble vitamins
  • Micronutrients
  • Fluid

V. Nutrition screening and assessment

  • Nutrition screening
  • Nutrition assessment
  • Using nutrition assessment to identify PEM

VI. Components of a comprehensive nutrition assessment
VII.Nutrition diagnosis
VIII. Nutrition intervention

  • Energy intake
  • Protein intake
  • Hydration
  • Vitamins and minerals

IX. Nutrition interventions for specific situations

  • Obesity
  • Diabetes
  • Chronic kidney disease (CKD)
  • Enteral nutrition
  • End of life

X. Translating evidence-based recommendations into a plan of care.

  • Guidelines for healthy eating
  • Using food and supplements to increase nutrients available
  • Developing a plan of nutrition care XI. Nutrition monitoring and evaluation

XI. Nutrition monitoring and evaluation


  1. Characteristics for identifying malnutrition (undernutrition) include insufficient energy intake, interpretation of weight loss, loss of subcutaneous fat, loss of muscle mass, localized or generalized fluid accumulation, and diminished functional status as measured by hand grip strength.
  2. A comprehensive nutrition assessment always includes an evaluation of current diet and food, fluid, and supplement consumption to determine if an individual’s intake meets his or her estimated needs to prevent skin breakdown and/or support wound healing.
  3. Evidenced-based guidelines indicate that protein and calorie needs are increased in those at risk for, or those with, a pressure ulcer.
  4. Nutrition recommendations for individuals at risk for, or those with, pressure ulcers, must be individualized based on a number of factors including comorbid- ities, food preferences, and socioeconomic status.

License types eligible for credits: RN, APRN, LN, CNA, CRT, RRT, RCP. Provided through the Florida State Board of Nursing and the CE is reciprocal for nurses in the United States. Florida nursing credits are reciprocal and approved for nurses within all states. Receiving credit for Florida providers is simple, attend the course and our staff will upload your credits directly to the Florida State database. For out of state credit, we provide all the necessary paperwork for you to file with the respective nursing board.

The information provided at this enduring material activity is for continuing education purposes only. The lecture content, statements or opinions expressed however, do not necessarily represent those of Wound Care Education Partners (WCEP), its affiliates or its employees.

No commercial support was received for this activity.

Hardware/Software Requirements
Hardware required for a learner to participate in this journal-based enduring material activity includes:
Computer with internet connection and a modern, updated browser
Note: If using IE 6, IE 7, or IE 8 we cannot guarantee that the courses will work.
Keyboard to take the quizzes

This textbook-based Internet Enduring Material activity is produced for online use.

Provider Contact Information
If at any time during participation in this online enduring material event, a learner can contact WCEP, by clicking on "Contact Us" tab located on the bottom right hand side of the menu bar found at the bottom of the screen. Also, the contact phone number and email address (hotlink) is always displayed on the bottom center of the screen.

Wound Care Education Partners (WCEP)
631 U.S. Highway 1, Suite 307
North Palm Beach, FL 33408
Phone: +1-561-776-6066
Fax: +1-561-776-7476
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.