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Have You Prepared for the 2021 NEW Evaluation/ Management CPT Code Definitions?


Starting in 2018 Centers for Medicare and Medicaid {CMS} Services in conjunction with the American Medical Association {AMA} recognized the need to reduce documentation requirements for providers (physicians and non-physician practitioners). In 2019, the History component consist of three requirements of Chief Compliant (CC) {reason for the visit}, History of Present Illness {HPI} and Review of Systems (ROS) noting information needs to relevant to the Chief Compliant. They approved of allowing the patient, caregiver, or ancillary staff to document the patient’s History in conjunction that the provider would review the information for relevancy while also documenting the provider reviewed stated patient information at the visit.

During this time in 2019 both CMS and AMA agreed the History and Physical Examination should no longer hold weight to determine the visit level. They understood the Medical Decision Making {MDM} and Time should be the driving factors to determine the visit level and began revising the tools we would be using to select a visit level.

In 2020 CMS and AMA provided their new guidelines for documentation with an extremely specific grid to determine the level for Medical Decision Making or the redefined guidelines for a visit level using based time.

Join us for the 2-day livestream workshop, The Business of Wound Care and Hyperbaric Medicine for an in-depth review of these changes along with discussion of the MDM grid and time for coding visit levels. Reference tools will also be available.

The Business of Wound Care and Hyperbaric Medicine

2-Day Livestream Webinar Workshop

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  • If you don't know where to start, how to start, or what you need to know to take your clinic to the next level, this free 4-part mini-course is for you

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Sunday, 09 March 2025