By Wound Care Education Partners on Wednesday, 05 March 2025
Category: Hyperbaric Medicine

The Business of Wound Care & Hyperbaric Medicine

Calling out to all Clinic managers, administrators, billers/coders, and medical directors:
Are You Ready To Increase Patient Load, Revenues, and Reimbursements For Your Wound Care or Hyperbaric Medicine Clinic Business?

Did you know there are ways to:
Manage revenue cycle to meet (and exceed) budget goals
Discover patient revenue left on the table due to incorrect medical coding 
Increase patient load Become a profit center for the hospital 

Wound Care Education Partners has a two-day livestream workshop is specifically designed to support clinic administrators, medical directors, and hospital executives in marketing and administrating a hyperbaric and wound care center in a manner that supports positive patient outcomes and long-term successful business operations.

Lower your own stress levels while you raise
positive patient outcomes and long-term successful business operations.

Learn from the masters in the industry Michael White, MD, UHM, MMM, CWS and Monica R Skarban, MSOLQ, BSN, RN, CHRNC as they cover the nuts & bolts to help ensure effectiveness in providing patient care and receiving accurate reimbursement within the operations of managing a wound care department.

Included in this interactive course are specific clinical documentation of wound care related diagnoses with real-time cases, and the process and application of selecting the most accurate ICD-10 diagnosis codes.There is an in-depth discussion on medical procedures with specificity on clinical documentation supporting HBO and other procedures. The importance of following regulations at all levels or risk external audit with possibly legal and costly ramifications under False Claims Act is discussed.

Uncover the weaknesses, gaps, and inefficiencies
that are holding your clinic back from success

Additionally, there is a detailed presentation on specific clinical documentation for wound care/HBO diagnoses to support the medical necessity of procedures to be billed. Also covered is how Physician clinical documentation needs to support medical decision-making opportunities for improvement of accuracy of visit levels when appropriate.

Registrations is filling up fast for our next two-day course.
For more information contact info@woundeducationpartners 

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